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On air now: Thursday 10pm – 11pm
It Takes Two
It Takes Two...
Gemma Drewitt's Profile Picture

Gemma Drewitt

Gemma has been with Epsom Hospital Radio since 2018.

You can join Gemma every Wednesday from 4 - 6pm.

Questions and Answers: 

What's your favourite genre of music?
Dance music, anything that is uplifting and can be danced too.

When you’re not at Epsom Hospital Radio what do you do?
Outside of Epsom Hospital Radio Gemma is studying Psychology at university in London
Gemma also volunteers at Epsom Riding for Disabled which is a horse riding school for people with disabilities.

If you had a £1,000,000 to spend on yourself and no-one else what would you spend it on?
A ranch in the desert with loads of horses.

What was the number 1 single on the day you were born?
Kris cross- Jump
Christmas number 1 was Whitney Houston - I will always love you.

What sound drives you mad when you hear it?
Chewing gum.

If you were stranded on a desert island what item would you need most?

What is your ideal holiday destination?
New York has been on the bucket list for a while so need to give it a visit.

What is your favourite film?
Well it’s hard to say one favourite but Matilda has been a favourite since first viewing and at christmas it has to be The Grinch.

What if your favourite TV programme?
Reality TV.

What is your favourite sport?
Boxing and cage fighting.

What is your favourite drink?

What is your favourite food?

Who inspires you?
My best friend inspires me everyday.

What is your middle name?

What is your star sign?

What is your favourite smell?
Fresh laundry.

What is your most treasured belonging?
My Dog.