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On air now: Tuesday 8pm – 10pm
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Epsom Radio Listener

How to listen to Epsom Radio

Epsom Hospital Radio is FREE to listen to

Epsom Hospital Radio is only broadcast to patients and staff on the Epsom General Hospital site.

Anyone with a fairly modern smart phone or laptop can now listen using that.

Simpy connect to the NHS-WiFi network - which gives you free WiFi access whilst you are on site.

Once connected, you can then click here to listen!

Please note that this is currently a test, but seems to be working well!

For those without a smartphone, tablet or laptop, who are staying on a ward can also listen if they have a Hospedia screen by their bed.

The following wards have a hospedia screen by their bed: Derby, Oaks (Denbies Wing); Alexandra, Chuter Ede, Gloucester, (Wells Wing); Simon Stewart (Maternity Wing); Casey Ward (Headley Wing).

We are free to listen to on beds fitted with a Hospedia screen, all that is required is for you to register your Hospedia set.

The screen on you bedside set is a touchscreen, so if you tap a button on the screen, it will take you to whatever the description of the button says it will take you to.

The first time you use your Hospedia bedside screen, you will need to register, this is free to do so, all that is required is your name and date of birth.

In the top right hand corner of the screen, there will be a button which is a green rectangle with an arrow pointing into it with the words below saying "Log In" Press this button.

On the next screen, press the button that says "New Patient, then on the right hand side, there is a button that says create account, press this.

The next screen will ask if you are the patient, member of family, or some other relation to the patient, press the appropiate button and click next, then enter the appropiate information pressing next once you have done so. All that they ask for is your name and date of birth.

You will now be able to use the Hospedia screen to listen to Epsom Hospital Radio free of charge, you are just two button presses away from getting us.

1: Press the button at the top of the screen that says 'Entertainment'

How to listen - step 1

2: Press the button that says 'Radio'

How to listen - step 2

If this is the first time that you've used the service, that's all that you need to do. If you have been listening to other radio stations on your Hospedia bedside screen, there are channel Up/Down buttons to cycle through the radio stations available so you can find us (Hospital Radio), and a volume control to make the radio louder or quieter.