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On air now: Thursday 8pm – 10pm
Richard Le Stavri
Richard Le Stavri
Chris Fowle

Chris Fowle

Chris Fowle has been with Epsom Hospital Radio since January 2001.

Chris is an occasional presenter on the Sports Express show on Saturday afternoons.

Questions and Answers: 

What's your favourite genre of music?

I like pretty much all music. The Sports Express is fast paced and on the ball with all the sports news as it happens including results and reports live on air.

When you're not at Epsom Hospital Radio, what are you doing?

During the day I work at Waitrose. I like going to music and sports events and when I can catch the latest flicks at the cinema. I also like helping out at local charity events now and again.

If you had £1,000,000 to spend on yourself and no-one else what would you spend it on?

I would purchase a top of the range car that has got all the right moves then jet off to an attractive holiday location. I would also buy a Tottenham Hotspur season ticket and save the rest of the money while working out what to spend it on.

What is your ideal holiday destination?

New York City.

What is your favourite film?

All the James Bond films with Roger Moore in.

What is your favourite TV programme?

Match Of The Day.

Who is your favourite comedian?

Graham Norton.

Who is your favourite sports team/star?

Tottenham Hotspur. My favourite player is Harry Kane.

What is your favourite drink?

Apple and Mango J20.

What is your favourite food?

Chicken Casserole.

What inspires you?

All of the NHS workers, the incredible hard work they have put in since the pandemic started, having never experienced anything like this before.

Middle name?


Star sign?


Weird & wonderful talents?

I am very tall so can reach things in high places. I can do voice impressions of TV and Film stars such as Lloyd Grossman and Michael Caine. I can come up with quick thinking puns.

Most treasured belongings?

My James Bond films and merchandise along with my Leatherhead FC and Spurs memorabilia.

Favourite smell?

The smell of success.

What was the Number 1 single on the day you were born?

Dr Hook - When Your In Love With A Beautiful Woman.

What record drives you mad when you hear it?

Gareth Gates and Will Young - The Long and Winding(wining) Road.

What is your favourite album?

The Killers, Hot Fuss.

Have you met anyone famous and if so, under what circumstances?

I met Jaws(Richard Kiel) out of the James Bond films at a signing at Sportizus in Guildford. I found out from a work colleague he would be in there so I saw him on my lunch break.

Who is your favourite radio presenter?

My favourite radio presenter is Andy Tijou. Ok, getting serious now there are many good ones but I'll say Toby Anstis on Heart FM.

Apart from your current partner, who would be your ideal dinner date and why?

I'm currently single but my ideal dinner date 'need you ask' would be Kylie Minogue. She looks and sounds fantastic and leaves me spinning around every time I see her.

If you were marooned on a desert island, what would be the items you'd need most?

The items I would need most on a desert island would be my best music CD's, my mobile phone, food and a comfortable bed to sleep on.