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Richard Le Stavri
Richard Le Stavri
George Holland

George Holland

George Holland joined Epsom Hospital Radio in September 1997 with his elder sibling Margaret. He trained on the Saturday Sports Express Shows, before being let off for good behaviour and being given his own Shows.

George sadly recently passed away and will be missed by Epsom Hospital Radio

Questions and Answers: 

What's your favourite genre of music?

My favourite genre of music is '70s Rock, but I also love to collect and play football songs, comedy tracks, radio linked tracks and funny tracks to do with politics.

When you're not at Epsom Hospital Radio, what are you doing?

My Day Job is Managing The Holland and Barrett Health Food Store in Reigate, Surrey. When I joined them on 4th July 2005 I discovered that there is 3 Hollands and 2 Barretts working for the Company. None of us are related to the owners.

In my spare time I am tracing my Family Tree, watching TV, reading newspapers and books, checking my emails, shopping, socialing, going to the theatre and cinema occasionally, visiting friends and my Godson's family in Hailsham, Sussex, watching sports, reporting for various radio stations on football matches, collecting football memorabilia, and I am the Press Officer for Epsom and Ewell Football Club.

If you had £1,000,000 to spend on yourself and no-one else what would you spend it on?

With £1000,0000 I would, in no particular order, pay off my Bank Loan and Overdraft, get a bigger car, buy a second home in Toronto, and a third one in Swansea, build my own football ground and donate it to Epsom and Ewell FC, include my own radio studio and press box at the ground, purchase a Chelsea FC season ticket, decorate my house and garden, give some to Epsom Hospital Radio to complete our 24 hour project, buy every Football Song ever made, and get a life's supply of tea, ice cream and scampi and chips, not forgetting tons of cappuccino and complete my Family Tree. I think I may need a few more millions of pounds.

What is your ideal holiday destination?

My ideal Holiday destinations are Swansea, Cork, Dublin, New York and at the top of my list, Toronto. I also like to spend time for a few days in Hailsham, Sussex.

What is your favourite film?

My Favourite Films are any James Bond, any Dr Who, and any football films. I do hope to go and see "Sex In The City" soon.

What is your favourite TV programme?

My favourite TV Programmes are Dr Who, Torchwood, any football programmes, Neighbours, The Invisibles, Hotel Babylon, I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here and Top Gear.

Who is your favourite comedian?

My Favourite Comedian is Sir Norman Wisdom. I have interviewed him twice at Epsom Hospital Radio, read his books, got his records, seen his films and met him numerous times when he has stayed at his Epsom flat. Sadly, he is now in a Home on the Isle Of Man, as he has dementia.

Who is your favourite sports team/star?

My favourite sports teams are Chelsea FC and Epsom and Ewell FC, the Dutch football team, the Toronto Blue Jays baseball team and any players who have played for Chelsea FC, also the late George Best, what a star.

What is your favourite drink?

My favourite drinks are tea, cappuccino, and lager shandy, followed by a tot of port.

What is your favourite food?

My favourite foods are prawn cocktail, curly fries, scampi, peas, ice cream, and some of Margaret's superb cheesecake.

What inspires you?

The things that inspire me are my godson, Christopher in Hailsham, any radio presenters and the late screaming Lord Sutch who sadly died in June 1999. He was the leader of the Official Monster Raving Loony Party of which I am a member, he had his own pirate radio, "Radio Sutch", made a few records, wrote a few books and entertained millions. I met him once, what a star he was.

Middle name?

My Middle names are Henry Michael, so I have a clothing line at Asda named after me and England's Patron Saint, a vacuum cleaner named after me, M and S have also named their clothing range after me, and I have a country named after me. Just joking. Although, having traced the family history, the Holland Tunnel in New York was built by an engineer called Holland, he also built some roads in Malaysia. He is a descendant and we are related to the engineer that built the first submarine.

Do you have any nicknames?

My nick name at Epsom Hospital Radio is the “Hairy Cornflake,” I am also a member of the Monster Raving Loony Party, my nick name with them is the “Monster Hairy Cornflake!”

Whenever I correspond with the Heathrow Flyers, my nickname/handle/call sign with them is “Chelsea Boy.” The Heathrow Flyers have made quite a few trucking, comedy and CIN songs, mainly about the M25.

Back in January 2000, there was a group of people in the village of Ashurst Wood who set up their own state called PRAWNS: Peoples Republic of Ashurst Wood Nation State. They generated a lot of publicity and press of TV, Radio and newspapers locally, nationally and internationally. I even did an interview for Epsom Radio with Joe Taylor aka “Tiger Prawn.”

They made me an honorary member of the PRAWNS issuing me with my own Passport and I was given the title “The Commander of Sea Crabs.” I became their “overseas” communications officer, overseas because I live outside their boundary.

Star sign?

My Star Sign is Leo.

Weird & wonderful talents?

My weird and wonderful talents are being able to mimic silly voices, I make a superb pot of tea and I can remember addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, and car registration numbers.

I have taken part in two attempts to get into the Guinness Book of Records.

In the summer of 2001 I took part in an attempt to create the longest Mexican wave in the world, I joined millions of people on the South Downs near Ashinghurst, Sussex. I do believe that we made into the record books.

In September 2000, I witnessed the “Running of the Bull” in Toronto, Canada. Based on the even in Spain, there was a whole day of mock Bulls of different shapes and sizes with people in fancy dress, I think this event somehow made it into the record books too.

Most treasured belongings?

My most treasured belongings are my car, my house, passport, driving licence, football songs, my bank account, my job, and my memberships to Epsom and Ewell FC and Epsom Radio and of course my phone.

Favourite smell?

As I can not smell, it enhances my taste buds. Although I have smelt some really strange things when they have been really pungent on the odd occasion. But none of them would be a favourite smell.

What was the Number 1 single on the day you were born?

The No 1 Single when I was born was "All You Have To Do Is Dream" by the Everley Brothers.

What record drives you mad when you hear it?

The record that drives me mad is "Dance The Night Away" by The Mavericks.

What is your favourite album?

My favourite album is "Blue Is The Colour" by Chelsea Football Club, a great 1970's sing-a-long.

Have you met anyone famous and if so, under what circumstances?

The Queen and Duke Of Edinburgh at Crown Agents 150th Anniversary,The King Of Tonga at Crown Agents.
Various MPS, and Prime Ministers, including Margaret Thatcher, and Dennis, John Major, Sir Geoffrey Howe, George Gardiner, Neil Kinnock, Archie Hamilton, John Burcow, and Chris Grayling. I have interviewed Chris Grayling a few times at ER, and met up with him at Epsom and Ewell FC, and the Trust Volunteers Tea Party.

I also bumped into Cherie Blaire while she was electioneering in Leatherhead. And met my all time Political Hero, the late Screaming Lord Sutch in July one year in Wallington while he was doing a gig to raise funds with Santa Clause for a local sick child. July is a great month for Christmas.
At the Radio Academy, I have met Chris and Ingrid Tarrant, and my favourite DJ, Steve Wright. I also spoke to him in Banstead High Street while he was doing a survey on potholes. He said that I look like him.

Local resident Jimmy White in The Ashley Centre, and at one of our Outside Broadcasts.

Kenneth Williams at The BBC Radio Theatre, the best "OOHH MATRON" I have ever heard.

Tom Graveney, ex England Cricketer, in a pub on Jersey.

And I have interviewed Tim Vine, Doc Cox, and the late Sir Norman Wisdom (twice), as well as Robin Oakley, at Epsom Radio. Also, I have served Sir Norman at the BBC Shop in Epsom and bumped into him on several occasions around the town.

Footballers Peter Bonetti, Ron Harris, Alan Mullery, Steve Coppell, Bob Wilson, Peter Shilton and FIFA Referee from Leatherhead Ray Lewis, who I interviewed at Epsom Radio and served at Holland and Barrett have all been charming to talk to. Also at Holland and Barrett Leatherhead, I have served Rob Davis from MUD, Sir Michael Caine, Alex Stewart and Dennis Norden.

At our Reigate Store, I have served Shane Ritchie and Nicholas Owen. And I have often chatted to Nicholas in Reigate High Street.

At WH Smith at Gatwick Airport, I had lovely chat to Mick McCarthy when he was flying out with the EIRE Squad to Cyprus.

While covering a match at Corinthian Casuals for BBC Surrey, I had a half time cuppa with Jimmy Hill.

Graham Parker, former BBC Weatherman, and Banstead resident addressed us at the Young Conservatives.

While watching Hampton and Richmond Borough FC, I have often chatted with their President, Alan Simpson, who wrote Steptoe and Son.

I had the pleasure of chatting to ex Epsom and Ewell player Alan Pardew in Carerham High Street and in Banstead, while out shopping. Must be nice having a place in Banstead, Caterham and Newcastle.

Also in Caterham, David Gold, Anne Summers Magnate and West Ham Director, had an Open Day on his Estate.

While at Broadcasting House, I had a chat to Phil Jupitas and Hugh Dennis.

They Think It's All Over, It Is Now, as the late Kenneth Wolstenholme commentated on air. He was a guest of ours at the Young Conservatives, when he lived in Ewell. And to round off that theme, I met Martin Peters, Sir Geoff Hurst, and Roger Hunt, when they gave a talk at Guildford Civic Hall on their 1966 World Cup Win.

Who is your favourite radio presenter?

My favourite radio presenter is a split between Steve Wright/Dave Lee Travis, from when they were both on Radio One. Can I have a split choice please?

Apart from your current partner, who would be your ideal dinner date and why?

My ideal Dinner Date would be the very gorgeous Victoria Pendleton. A Gold Medal Winner in the Olympics, a bit of a mover on Strictly, very talented, athletic, great figure and personality, phwoar.

If you were marooned on a desert island, what would be the items you'd need most?

If I was stuck on a Desert Island, the items I would need most would of course be the Tardis. That way I can travel back and forth in Time with all the Dr Who cast, past. present and future, and meet up with all the gorgeous assistants that the Doctor has had. Especially Amy Pond. And get to see all the Daleks whenever I want. Also, I can then go and watch Chelsea FC, Epsom and Ewell FC, England games, do my Saturday Show at ER, and visit my rellies in Toronto, New York, Swansea, and London, all in the space of a Dr Who second.