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On air now: Thursday 8pm – 10pm
Richard Le Stavri
Richard Le Stavri
Harry McNaughton's Picture

Harry McNaughton

Harry McNaughton has been with Epsom Hospital Radio since September 2019.

You can join Harry every Saturday afternoont from 4-6pm for the Sports Express Part 2 with a round up of all of the sports results from the afternoon's fixtures.

Questions and Answers: 

What's your favourite genre of music?
My favourite music is pop.

When you're not at Epsom Hospital Radio, what are you doing?
What I do when I'm not at Epsom hospital radio is currently looking for work most of the time and some days (mostly Friday nights) I'm out with friends.

If you had £1,000,000 to spend on yourself and no-one else what would you spend it on?
With a million pounds I'd go somewhere nice and warm perhaps LA and see if I can get a living accommodation there and just live in luxury.

What is your ideal holiday destination?
My ideal holiday destination would be LA for the warm weather and great scenery mostly.

What is your favourite film?
My favourite film is any of the James bond films probably Goldfinger.

What is your favourite TV programme?

Who is your favourite comedian?
My favourite comedian is Russell Howard.

Who is your favourite sports team/star?
My favourite sports team is Chelsea and my favourite sports star is Cristiano Ronaldo and Frank Lampard I can't pick between the two.

What is your favourite drink?
My favourite alcoholic drink is Budweiser my favourite soft drink is lemonade.

What is your favourite food?
My favourite food is Spaghetti Bolegnese.

What inspires you?
Who inspires me most I would say Cristiano Ronaldo because of the hard work and dedication he's put in to become in my opinion the greatest footballer to play the game.

Middle name?
My middle name is George.

Star sign?
My star sign is Scorpio.

Weird & wonderful talents?
I'll be honest and say I don't really have a weird or wonderful talent.

Most treasured belongings?
My most treasured belonging is a small dog toy I've had since I was 2 and is still with me to this day.

Favourite smell?
My favourite smell is that of a burger van (especially when I'm hungry).

What was the Number 1 single on the day you were born?
My birthday number one was Believe by Cher.

What record drives you mad when you hear it?
The record that drives me mad most is probably you don't know you're beautiful by one direction.

What is your favourite album?
My favourite album is NOW 70.

Have you met anyone famous and if so, under what circumstances?
The famous person I met once was Danny Murphy when I went on a school trip to Fulham football clubs training ground.

Who is your favourite radio presenter?

Apart from your current partner, who would be your ideal dinner date and why?

If you were marooned on a desert island, what would be the items you'd need most?